While Brangelina are screaming at each other about the kids and Taylor Swift and Calvin Harris are texting it out, actual stories of love are happening all around us—if we only care to look. Twitter user Amy Pennington gave us a glimpse at what true love means on Sunday when she shared a selfie her grandmother took while getting her hair done. No, the photo wasn’t taken in a fancy salon, but in the bathroom with the stylist she loves most: her husband.
In a scene right out of Prince’s “If I Was Your Girlfriend,” you can see Pennington’s grandpa squinting his eyes to make sure he puts every hair perfectly in place. He should know how she likes it, he’s seen his wife do her hair countless times over the years. But this time it was his job to handle beauty business because she recently had wrist surgery and couldn’t use a brush. So next time someone tweets about relationship goals, just hit ‘em back with shot because, as Prince would say, “Those are the things that bein’ in love’s about”