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Donald Glover Fans Took Over A Pro-Trump Reddit Page, And It Was Beautiful

The true Donald is taking his rightful seat at the table.

On Reddit, /TheDonald is a seemingly pro-Trump page that is a toxic hub for trolls, the alt-right, and troublemakers. “Star Wars” fans might even say it’s the Mos Eisley cantina of Reddit.

But /TheDonald was suddenly transformed into a much different – and some would say better – place on May 21, 2018, when fans of actor and musician Donald Glover took over the page en masse, transforming it into a giant party for the creator of “Atlanta” and co-star of “Solo: A Star Wars Story.”

Before long, it was virtually impossible to find any of the typical pro-Trump memes that populate the page. Instead, they had been replaced by a different kind of trolling – one dominated by references to Glover’s creative canon – shows like “Community” and his musical persona, Childish Gambino.

While many of the memes, videos, and jokes were playful, many more brilliantly used the moment to sling arrows at the current occupant of the White House on everything from North Korea to Fox News to just about every possible insult you could throw Trump’s way.

If only Donald Glover could save us from the actual Donald.

But even Lando has his limits.

For now, we can enjoy this mini-coup of sorts. Like all delightful memes, it too will slowly fade away. But every small victory against the Trump era is one to be savored.