Morning Roundup:From The New York Times: Back to School, as an Adjunct
Should you consider part-time teaching as a way to improve your finances and expand your career opportunities?From The New York Times: Obama to Seek Sweeping Change in ‘No Child' Law
The changes would affect how schools are judged to be passing or failing, and would eliminate a deadline for academic proficiency.From The Washington Post: D.C. Schools Chancellor Rhee's approval rating in deep slide
D.C. Schools Chancellor Michelle A. Rhee's job approval rating has dropped precipitously over the past two years, alongside Mayor Adrian M. Fenty's, despite sentiment that conditions in the city's long-troubled public education system are starting to improve.From The New York Times: For Tween Boys, Masculinity in a Spray Can
Psychologists, parents, market researchers and middle-school principals (with drawers full of confiscated spray cans), report a sharp surge in the last few years of the use of grooming products by tween boys.From The Washington Post: Education Secretary Duncan calls Hurricane Katrina good for New Orleans schools
Education Secretary Arne Duncan called Hurricane Katrina "the best thing that happened to the education system in New Orleans" because it forced the community to take steps to improve low-performing public schools.Photo via Tobias Zarius at New York Magazine.