Morning Roundup:
From The Washington Post:Obama to announce get-tough strategy for struggling schools
President Obama plans Monday to outline a get-tough strategy for turning around persistently struggling schools, offering increased federal funding to local school systems that shake up their lowest-achieving campuses.
From The New York Times: California Campus Sees Uneasy Race Relations
Racial incidents at the University of California, San Diego, fed a simmering, some say much-needed, debate over race relations.
From The New York Times: Judge Grants Asylum to German Home Schoolers
A Tennessee judge granted asylum to a German couple who said they feared persecution in their home country because they wanted to home school their five children.
From USA Today: At Penn, gay students help recruit gay applicants
Outreach to gay applicants is different in some key ways from outreach based on academic interests or race and ethnicity. Typically, applications ask about academic interests and race and ethnicity (although that question is optional), and no colleges are known to ask applicants about their sexual orientation.
Photo (cc) via Flickr user Brass Tacks UK.