Morning Roundup:
From The New York Times: Panel Proposes Single Standard for All Schools
The new standards, which experts said could well be adopted by a majority of states, would replace the nation's checkerboard of locally written standards.
From The New York Times: Texas Conservatives Seek Deeper Stamp on Texts
Even as a panel of educators laid out a vision Wednesday for national standards for public schools, the Texas school board was going in a different direction, holding hearings on changes to its social studies curriculum that would portray conservatives in a more positive light, emphasize the role of Christianity in American history and include Republican political philosophies in textbooks.
From The New York Times: Kansas City to Close Nearly Half Its Schools
The Kansas City Board of Education voted Wednesday night to close almost half of the city's public schools, accepting a sweeping and contentious plan to shrink the system in the face of dwindling enrollment, budget cuts and a $50 million deficit.
Image via Jack Plunkett at the Associated Press.