Morning Roundup:
From NPR: The Allure of For-Profit Universities Grows
As higher learning becomes increasingly expensive, students are taking a greater hand in where and how they get an education. Anya Kamenetz, author of the forthcoming DIY U, talks with host Guy Raz about the growing attraction to revenue-seeking universities.
From The Washington Post: Obama: Revise No Child Left Behind law
President Obama proposed overhauling the No Child Left Behind law that was his predecessor's hallmark education initiative, aiming to eliminate several of the measure's controversial mandates on public schools but adding new ones.
From The New York Times: In Hard Times, Lured Into Trade School and Debt
One fast-growing American industry has become a conspicuous beneficiary of the recession: for-profit colleges and trade schools.
From The New York Times Magazine: The Prof Stuff
Like many online experiments, Rate My Professors has turned out to be a companion to nothing. It is its own world. Sure, hot, easy teachers get the laurels traditionally denied them by tenure committees who have that fetish for credentials and scholarship. But there's more.
From The New York Times' Room for Debate Blog: Does the Size of a School Matter?
How much does school size matter? And what are the lessons learned from Kansas City's decision to close half of the city's public schools?
Photo (cc) via Flickr user IHP.