Morning Roundup:
From the Associated Press: Teacher hung effigy of Obama in his class
A teacher at a failing school where he and his colleagues are all being fired hung an effigy of President Obama in his classroom, apparently in reaction to Obama's support of extreme measures to ensure accountability in schools.
From the Boston Globe: Harvard will raise tuition
Harvard University will increase tuition next school year by 3.8 percent, the school announced yesterday, bringing the annual cost of a Harvard education, including room and board, to $50,724.
From The Washington Post: Obama's student loan plan moving forward with health bill
President Obama moved closer to achieving one of his top policy goals yesterday as congressional Democrats joined forces behind a bill that would cut funding to private student lenders and redirect billions of dollars in expected savings into grants to needy students.
From The New York Times: Despite Gains, Charter School Is Told to Close
As New York State moves to shut down an Albany charter school, it is apparent that holding schools accountable is not always so easy, or bloodless, as numbers on a page.
Photo (cc) via Flickr user IHP.