Morning Roundup:
From the Los Angeles Times: Charter schools: an antidote to one-size-fits-all education
The nontraditional public schools give poor families the educational choices once reserved to wealthier students.
From the Boston Globe: Pell Grant program gets a healthy $36b boost
The federal program that provides Pell grants to millions of middle- and lower-income college students got a $36 billion shot in the arm from part of the health care reform bill that was signed by President Obama yesterday.
From The Washington Post: Reading scores stall despite 'No Child Left Behind,' report finds
The nation's students are mired at a basic level of reading in fourth and eighth grades, their achievement in recent years largely stagnant, according to a federal report Wednesday that suggests a dwindling academic payoff from the landmark No Child Left Behind law.
From The New York Times: In Chicago, Obama Aide Had V.I.P. List for Schools
When Education Secretary Arne Duncan ran Chicago's schools, he had a list of those seeking to enter top locations.
Image via the White House's Flickr Photostream.