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Education: Morning Roundup

Morning Roundup: From The Washington Post: Jaime Escalante dies, inspired 1988 film Stand and...

Morning Roundup:

From The Washington Post:Jaime Escalante dies, inspired 1988 film Stand and Deliver

Jaime A. Escalante, the most famous and influential American public-school teacher of his generation, died March 30 of cancer at his son's home near Sacramento. He was 79.

From the Boston Globe: Anger turns toward school staff in bullying case

Enraged by revelations that staff members at South Hadley High School knew that Phoebe Prince was the target of withering harassment long before her death, residents and public officials yesterday angrily accused the school system of neglecting vulnerable students and called on top administrators to resign.

From The New York Times: Obama Signs Overhaul of Student Loan Program

The new law will expand Pell grants, make it easier for students to repay outstanding loans after graduating and invest $2 billion in community colleges over the next four years.

Photo via The Associated Press.