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Education: Morning Roundup, Lunchtime Reform

Morning Roundup:

From The Washington Post: D.C. Council approves tough school lunch, exercise standards
The D.C. Council unanimously approved stringent school nutrition and exercise standards on Tuesday, but federal officials persuaded members to remove a key provision of the "Healthy Schools" legislation before they voted on it.

From the Boston Globe: For-profit colleges face tough new rules

The Obama administration is preparing to produce tougher regulations that could reduce the amount of federal financial aid flowing to for-profit colleges, cutting the companies’ annual revenue growth by as much as a third.

From The New York Times: Why Charter Schools Fail the Test

A Milwaukee study shows that standardized exams are a terrible way to judge school choice.

From The New York Times: Michigan High School Snags Obama as Speaker

President Obama will speak at the Kalamazoo Central High School graduation. The school won a Race to the Top competition.

Graphic via Eric Hanson.