Morning Roundup:
From the Los Angeles Times: Meet L.A.'s most effective teachers—and find out how your child's teacher performs
As part of an effort to shed light on the work of Los Angeles teachers, the Times on Sunday is releasing a database of roughly 6,000 third- through fifth-grade teachers, ranked by their effectiveness in raising students' scores on standardized tests of math and English over a seven-year period.
From the Los Angeles Times: Teachers blast L.A. Times for releasing effectiveness rankings
The Times made public an analysis of L.A. Unified third- through fifth-grade teachers based on student test scores.
From The New York Times: Continue the Race
The Obama administration’s Race to the Top initiative has shown that competitive grant programs can be a powerful spur to innovation in education. Most of the 12 states that were awarded grants this year—and the more than 30 states that changed education policies in hopes of winning grants—would never have attempted reform on this scale without the promise of federal help.
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