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Education: Morning Roundup

Morning Roundup:

From the Associated Press: Are school lunches a national security threat?
A group of retired military officers says high-calorie school lunches are threatening national security. A study by the group Mission: Readiness finds that school lunches are making American kids so fat that fewer of them can meet the military's physical fitness standards. That, in turn, is putting recruitment in jeopardy.

From The Washington Post: Recession could result in deep school staff layoffs, larger class sizes

From coast to coast, public schools face the threat of tens of thousands of layoffs this year in a fiscal crunch likely to result in larger class sizes and fewer programs to help students in need.

From The New York Times: At Top University, a Fight for Pakistan’s Future

An attack on a professor highlighted a power struggle between an outward-looking, educated class and those pushing an intolerant vision of Islam.

From The New York Times: More Immigrants Have Doctorates

Immigrants, who account for a disproportionate share of Americans without a high school diploma, also made up nearly one-third of Americans with doctoral degrees in 2009, the Census Bureau reported.

Photo via Alexis Vaughn for The New York Times.