Morning Roundup:
From The New York Times: Last Teacher In, First Out? City Has Another Idea
From The New York Times: Last Teacher In, First Out? City Has Another Idea
In a year in which thousands of teachers may lose their jobs, officials want to use performance, not seniority, to determine who will be let go.
From The Wall Street Journal: Unions, States Clash in Race to Top
The Obama administration's signature education initiative has incited tense showdowns in states across the country as unions and state officials feud over strategies to compete for $3.4 billion in federal funding.
From the Los Angeles Times: Music lessons build brainpower
School districts cutting arts programs should first consider that playing an instrument activates neuro-pathways to facilitate learning.
From The New York Times: Brooklyn School Scores High Despite Poverty
P.S. 172 in Brooklyn topped the city’s fourth-grade math scores in 2009, even though 80 percent of the students qualify for free lunches.
Graphic via Ed Nacional for The New York Times.