If you've ever spent time fantasizing about going back to college, or just tried to find good free college-level courses online, you'll be happy to discover Einztein. From Fast Company:
Their concept was to get a team of PhD experts to review what's out there in free and open course content, and to help people find the best. This is something that's really needed as it can be hard to find and evaluate what's out there. Today the site features complete courses only--2000, across 35 categories, from 100+ providers. Later this year they're rolling out a suite of social tools to enable people to learn together. By the way, it's all free, and the company's a nonprofit.
I heard about this yesterday and then spent a few hours on a math course from the University of New South Wales last night. It was pretty damn good. Einztein has professors from Yale, Berkeley, MIT, and all the other fancy schools teaching poetry, political philosophy, the natural sciences, engineering, and everything else. Enjoy!