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How To Follow The 2016 Election Results In Real Time

The best places to watch for the fastest and most accurate election results Tuesday night

The 2016 election is finally here. Technically, it’s been happening for a while now, with millions of Americans mailing in absentee ballots and turning out at early voting stations across the country. But November 8 is the day America officially decides who will be our next president and which leaders we will send to represent us in the Congress and the Senate.

Meanwhile, hundreds of other individual races and ballot initiatives could change public policy on issues like marijuana legalization, school funding, and the minimum wage.

It’s a lot to take in, but we’ve got you covered, with the best sites to keep an eye on this election night. And, of course, don’t forget to watch our own election night live coverage on our Facebook page.

The Main Event:

Politico has a page strictly devoted to real-time presidential election results. Sure, we care about all of the down-ballot races and issues, but this is the one we all bought a ticket to see.

The Big Races

For quick, up-to-the-minute (and reliable) election results, stick with trusted institutional sources like these:


New York Times

NBC News

Real-Time Insanity:

Most states offer official voting results via their secretary of state websites. But these sites often lag behind the results obtained by news organizations and the campaigns themselves. Thankfully, there are enough obsessed outlets already on top of this.

Votecastr is teaming up with Slate, CNN and the New York Times to offer up instant results from key battleground states across the country. This is for spectators who want to see the intimate details of this election play out. Who gets the most votes is important, but who wins the slate of critical swing states will truly decide the next occupant of the White House.

Twitter is partnering with BuzzFeed to provide instantaneous results and a curated list of the best hot takes from pundits and politicos on social media.

YouTube will be streaming several live channels with instant analysis and results from major players like Bloomberg, PBS, MTV and Telemundo.

And of course, GOOD will be hosting its own Facebook live video here.

Can’t Wait?

If you just can’t hold your breath until the first wave of results come in (around 9 p.m.EST), indulge your anxiety (or euphoria) with a spin at 270 To Win, an 50-state interactive map that allows you to calculate your own potential outcomes, determining all of the potential paths to those elusive 270 electoral votes for your respective candidate.