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NASA Invites You to Book a Vacation at These Stunning Exoplanets

These flyers advertise a future of interplanetary space travel.

These days, it feels like the future of space travel isn’t far off—it can’t be much longer before we’re able to book a flight to Mars. If that’s tough to visualize, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory created a series of beautiful, vintage-style posters to feed our imagination and extend our aspirational gaze beyond the earthly. These posters, which resemble old tourism flyers from the 1930s, beckon you to visit one of three recently discovered alien planets.

Earlier this week, NASA announced that the Kepler mission had discovered eight new extrasolar planets, bringing the spacecraft’s running record up to 1,004. Extrasolar planets, or exoplanets, are planets that revolve around stars other than the sun. Certain Earth-size exoplanets, like the Kepler 186-f, revolve within the “habitable zone” of the star it orbits, meaning it has the potential to sustain human life.

The Kepler 186-f is one of three destinations depicted in the NASA posters, designed and created by JPL’s Visual Strategists Joby Harris, David Delgado, and Dan Goods, are from the spacecraft’s latest round of discoveries. The artists imagined these posters commissioned by the totally fictional (but not totally improbable) Exoplanet Travel Bureau.

“We have been super inspired by the fact that so many planets are being discovered. It feels like we’re living in the future or science fiction is coming to life,” Delgado told Newsweek. “We thought it would be really cool to explore the characteristics of each planet through the context of travel.”