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Expanding the Definition of Sustainable Buildings

Sustainability in building construction amounts to a lot more than reducing carbon output and energy use. In a recent Planetizen post, transportation policy expert Todd Litman says those looking to create sustainable buildings need to consider long-term affordability, walkability, how conveniently situated the building is to available public transportation, and community integration.

With that broader definition in mind, Litman highlights the efforts of GreenTRIP (traffic reduction and innovative parking), a program that certifies "new residential and mixed use developments that incorporate traffic and parking reduction strategies."

The program, which is based in the Bay Area, but has hopes to expand elsewhere, also offers community outreach on the benefits of traffic and emission reduction.

One GreenTRIP certified project that embodies the program's ethos is the South Hayward BART Affordable Family and Senior Housing Project:
The Project is a 206-unit, 3-5 story, mixed use apartment project next to the South Hayward BART Station. Eden Housing will offer two AC Transit passes at a deep discount to each household for the life of the project. The South Hayward BART Affordable Family and Senior Housing Project is a 206-unit, 3-5 story, mixed use apartment project next to the South Hayward BART Station. Eden Housing will offer two AC Transit passes at a deep discount to each household for the life of the project.
To read more about other certified projects and GreenTRIP's push toward sustainable development, check out Planetizen.

Image via GreenTRIP