Watch 18-year-old Jazmine Williams, a senior Los Angeles' Hamilton High School, get the crowd fired up at last Friday's student protests against budget cuts in Los Angeles.
A new study (PDF) from the Public Policy Institute of California says holding struggling students back, instead of just advancing them a grade, can help them gain academic proficiency.
Follow the money: It turns out that Libyan dictator Moammar Gadhafi is the third largest stakeholder of Pearson, the international company that's "the largest commercial processor of student assessments."
Riffing off of the name of Michelle Rhee's new advocacy group, teacher Sabrina Stevens Shupe wonders what it really means to put "Students First."
Do teachers have the right to search a student's smartphone? Maybe not. A Texas case is shaping up in favor of a teen who sued after an assistant principal searched her phone and found a nude picture of her.
Extra Credit is a daily round-up of what we're reading at GOOD Education HQ.