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Feast Your Eyes: Colbert and Myrhvold Enjoy "Ice Cream" That Tastes Like Ice Cream

Stephen Colbert and Nathan Myrhvold enjoy pistachio ice-cream that "isn’t really ice cream at all."

Not content with having a Ben & Jerry's flavor named after him, last night Stephen Colbert persuaded Nathan Myrhvold, the former Microsoft CTO and author of the epic Modernist Cuisine cookbook, to make him pistachio ice-cream.

The dessert, as Myrhvold's team explain on their blog, "isn’t really ice cream at all." It contains no eggs or dairy, but is instead constructed from pistachio nut oil and emulsifiers. Colbert is duly impressed:

You've achieved ice cream that tastes like ice cream! That's a true breakthrough!

The clip also includes spectacular images of the hard outer shell of a popcorn kernel peeling back as it "pops" and pastrami so tender that it can be enjoyed without teeth, as well as several slightly uncomfortable giggles as Colbert compares molecular gastronomy to kinky sex. All of which will no doubt only swell the book's already sizable wait-list—apparently, even Mario Batali is still waiting for his back-ordered copy.