We admit it: Today's Feast Your Eyes is not particularly appetizing. But that's actually the point. This photo, captioned as the "chef's special," is part of a collection of images that serve as the call to action in a UK campaign for better-tasting, sustainably-sourced hospital food.
The Soil Association, a UK-based organic food and farming nonprofit, is behind the campaign, and is encouraging people to submit their own hospital horror food photos to help illustrate a report on the issue that they are planning to release later this month.
Given the fact that these meals wouldn't be appealing even if you'd just run a marathon, let alone if you're an invalid with a delicate appetite, this campaign seems like a no-brainer. There are no doubt many equally disgusting meals currently being served in hospitals around the United States, but there are also several exciting initiatives—including this Healthy Food in Health Care pledge—that capitalize on the role that food plays in our overall health, as well the purchasing power of institutions as a lever to encourage sustainable agriculture. You can find your nearest hospital with a healthy menu, car park farmers' market, and/or local sourcing policy at the Health Care Without Harm site.
Image: "Chef's Special" by the Soil Association; story via Treehugger.