If you’re headed to SXSW and armed with a badge, make sure to take notes on the genders of the panelists you encounter, because it could make a difference. The female representation advocates at Gender Avenger are inviting all festival goers to report the female-to -ale ratio of panelists using their Gender Tally app. The goal is to turn the data into sharable and embeddable charts, the charts into conversation, the conversation into action and the action into progress.
If you’re particularly incensed by a panel’s patriarchal leanings, feel free to nominate the organization or company behind it to the Gender Avenger Hall of Shame (or fame, if they’re female-friendly).
“At GenderAvenger, we hear about conferences and Top 30 lists every day featuring either no women or a disturbingly small number. We read articles that fail to quote women experts, opinion pages with no female writers, history books that have “forgotten” the key contributions of women scientists, inventors, political change makers,” explains Claire Moshenberg. “By calling attention to the issue publicly, we can create change. The GenderAvenger Tally is a simple first step.”
Check out these other crowd-sourced charts by Gender Avenger:
While the social-friendly whistle-blowing approach is perfect for SXSW and a clever way to keep gender equality in the conversation, it’s a shame that Gender Avenger doesn’t allow for more diverse gender identifiers in its tallies.