Not too long ago, The Girl Scouts made major headlines when they officially announced that they welcome transgender girls in their community. While their policy was celebrated by money, some weren’t quite as happy. Just recently, The Girl Scouts of Western Washington received a huge $100,000 donation to help send 500 girls to camp. But when they discovered that the donation couldn’t be used to help transgender girls (“Please guarantee that our gift will not be used to support transgender girls. If you can’t, please return the money,” read the note), they made a tough decision:
They sent it back.
While Council CEO Megan Ferland was “very sad” to turn down the donation, she told The Seattle Met, “Girl Scouts is for every girl … And every girl should have the opportunity to be a Girl Scout if she wants to.” Still, the troop is making active efforts to recover the lost money. Under the hashtag #ForEVERYgirl, they’ve started an Indiegogo page to raise $100,000 (and possibly a little more) to send all those young girls to camp. In less than 24 hours, they’ve raised close to $60,000, approaching a third of their financial assistance program. And they don’t plan on stopping.
To learn more about the awesome girls of Troop 1775, check out their video below, or their Indiegogo page, here.
(h/t The Advocate)