Welcome to The Data Issue!
In putting this issue together, we didn't just consider the ways in which data overload shapes our daily lives—we looked for data in some areas of life that we don't typically consider easily quantified or catalogued. In other words, we found data in everything.
Scroll through the table of contents here. But really, we recommend you subscribe or get your hands on the paper version. It's even prettier.
For the cover, we asked Andrew Kuo to make a chart about charts. Yeah, we know how nerdy that is. We're owning it.
(Click cover to embiggen.)
We were curious about how Kuo's "probablys" and "definitelys" would hold up to a fact-check, so we did what any serious, data-minded editors would do: We polled a bunch of people at a party—our Data Issue launch party, to be specific. We asked folks which terms they identified with, then asked which charts they liked. Here are the results. (Darker boxes indicate greater interest.)
(Click to embiggen.)