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GOOD 100: Meet Proco Joe Moreno, The "Hipster" Politician Carrying Chicago On His Back

Proco Joe Moreno shatters the image of a stereotypical politician. Claiming the title of the youngest alderman to serve Chicago’s 1st Ward, Moreno sub

Proco Joe Moreno shatters the image of a stereotypical politician. Claiming the title of the youngest alderman to serve Chicago’s 1st Ward, Moreno subscribes to the progressive caucus, is an avid supporter of the arts, and is passionate about expanding culture, eliminating bureaucracy, increasing opportunities in education and creating honest dialogue between the city government and the people of Chicago. (Phew!) All this do-gooding has earned Moreno the label of “hipster” politician. Word it how you want, this guy is making change.

Late last year, Moreno made headlines for trying to block fast food chain Chick-fil-A from opening a restaurant in his ward because of the owner's stance against gay marriage. Since taking office in 2010, he has also implemented his own graffiti removal and vacant lot clearance programs.

And that’s not all. During the Chicago Blizzard of 2011, Moreno paid out of his own pocket to clear the snow for 1st Ward residents. And he runs for more than office. To encourage wellness in his community Moreno hosts Run the Ward events, in which he participates alongside his constituents.

To curb the estimated three billion plastic bags tossed by Chicagoans every year, Moreno created a plastic bag ban ordinance.

“I’m determined to make it [plastic bag ordinance] a reality in 2013,” Moreno says.

And if retailers manage to snuff out the bill, he proposes to tax them 10 cents a bag and rake in millions for the city. You go, Moreno.

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