Things are easier said than done, or so the old adage goes, and we couldn't agree more. That's why we do The GOOD 30-Day Challenge (#30DaysofGOOD), a monthly attempt to live better. Our challenge for February? GOOD citizenship.
Yield in traffic.
Society becomes how you behave. This is such a simple, yet powerful way to live. Out on the highway, dial down that road rage. Slow down a little and allow that other motorist to merge in front of you. What an easy way to respect and care for that person’s time, existence, and safety.
On arterial streets, give bicycles three feet of lateral clearance, and yield for pedestrians at corners and crosswalks. Don’t worry, yielding doesn’t make you a loser, it makes you a good citizen. We’ll all get there at just about the same time anyway. In fact, studies and simulations have shown that when you yield, traffic moves more quickly. It's counterintuitive, but it's true. Being courteous and cooperative is contagious. Pass it on.
Learn how to live like a citizen at The Guiding Lights Weekend conference on creative citizenship March 8-10 in Seattle.
Propose an idea to promote GOOD citizenship where you live for a chance to win $500 to make it happen.