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GOOD Design Daily: Oscar-Worthy Posters for Oscar-Nominated Films

A British illustrator has re-imagined the posters for five Academy Award films that captures their essence better than those studio-produced ads.

The Academy Awards are this Sunday night and even though this is an exceptionally strong year for visually-stunning films (go Black Swan!), Hollywood has (typically) left something to be desired in the promotional poster department. Mr Shabba, also known as the British designer and illustrator Dean Walton, has taken it upon himself to recast five nominated films as gorgeous illustrated prints, which are now available for purchase.

Walton distills each film down into its purest element, often working in a single color. Each poster also features a silhouette of the main character, which is especially effective for this print for The Social Network. I love how all Zuckerberg's adversaries are lined up like little default Facebook avatars holding a boardroom mediation session inside his own head.

The artistry seen in such simple solutions once again leads me to question why most film posters are so boring. Which would capture your attention more effectively as you're rolling past a bus shelter at 40 miles per hour: this sandblasted interpretation of True Grit, or the same old-same old?

You can buy all five posters for around $122. Order here.

via UnderConsideration