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GOOD Maker Challenge: Create Your Own Crowdsourcing Competition

GOOD Maker is inviting you to dream up the next grant competition for social change.

We’ve always known that the GOOD community is full of passionate, innovative people, and with the help of GOOD Maker, we’ve seen many of your ideas come to life to create real-world impact. We’ve challenged you to give back, get healthy, and design a graphic to unite the 99 percent. You’ve proposed creative solutions to issues ranging from financial literacy to famine in East Africa. Now, GOOD Maker is inviting you to dream up the next grant competition for social change.

Have a great idea for a future GOOD Maker challenge? You might draw inspiration from a recent headline or a favorite TED talk. Maybe you’d like to create a contest tailored to college students, or prompt urban planners to think outside the box. Whether your challenge calls on the community to tackle a specific social issue, start a grassroots campaign, or tell a thought-provoking story, we want you to share it with us here.

Spend a few minutes browsing past and current funding opportunities on for more inspiration. Submit your idea between now and April 3, and from April 3 through 10 we’ll put it to a public vote. If your challenge is selected, we’ll feature it as an upcoming $500 grant competition.

Want to learn more about GOOD Maker? Drop us a line at maker[at]goodinc[dot]com or sign up for our email list here. Visit to participate in a current challenge.