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GOOD Maker Challenge: Help Start a New Conversation About Citizenship in America

A new challenge: Plan an event to explore and celebrate American citizenship. GOOD Maker and Guiding Lights Network have $500 for the winner.

As we head into a heated election cycle, it seems citizenship is on everyone's mind. But as a country comprised mostly of immigrants, the meaning of citizenship in America can be a complicated thing. Theodore Roosevelt, the 26th President of the United States, said "Americanism is a question of principles, of idealism, of character: It is not a matter of birthplace or creed or line of descent." John F. Kennedy, another president, suggested that citizenship was about an individual's personal responsibility to his or her country, because we all have a duty as citizens.

We think we should all consider what it means to be a citizen and to share those ideas actively, because citizenship isn’t something that should only be defined by politicians agitating for votes at the annual party conventions. We’re partnering with the Guiding Lights Network on a challenge that is meant to get us all thinking about citizenship anew: The Sworn-Again America Challenge. We want you to tell us how you’d create an event where people can come together to celebrate what American citizenship means to them and take the Sworn-Again American oath. We’re giving away $500 for the most creative, inspiring ideas.

For inspiration, check out to see the oath and download resources. Entries to the Sworn-Again America challenge will be accepted between now and October 12 at noon PT. From October 15 to October 25 noon PT we’ll put the entries to a community-wide vote. The top-voted submission will receive $500 from Guiding Lights Network to host a Sworn-Again America ceremony.

Interested in participating in upcoming Challenges on GOOD Maker? Drop us a line at maker[at]goodinc[dot]com, sign up for our email list, or check out the current challengeson GOOD Maker.