Almost two years ago, one of GOOD's contributors made a modest proposal: allow voluntary fare increases to New Yorker's metrocards, and use that money to fund wind power to run the city's subways. Two years later, the New York MTA has proposed, well, just that. From the Times:Ernest J. Tollerson, the authority's policy director, said that details were yet to be worked out, but that under the program riders buying MetroCards or commuter rail tickets at station vending machines might be given the option of tacking on an extra charge in the form of a contribution for green projects."We're working on a model," Mr. [Ernest J. Tollerson, the authority's policy director] said, "that says that you might add an increment to the price of a MetroCard, a Long Island Rail Road ticket, to a Metro-North ticket and also to the crossings for bridges and tunnels, on a voluntary basis, and say that you might want to contribute a particular sum a month and that money would go into a program only to fund sustainability projects."It's just one of many proposals making the rounds at the flailing agency, but it would be great if we saw it happen.
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