Welcome to the end of the weekend. If you were in a theater seeing the 2.5-hour action-packed Bat-saga that is The Dark Knight over and over again-possibly contributing to the record-breaking 66.4 mil it raked in on Friday alone-you might have missed these newsbites:
Stateside: A crazy man stripped naked and tried to jump out of an emergency exit on an American Airlines flight from Boston to L.A. before being subdued by a major league soccer team.
Strange animal news: A kangaroo attacks a woman and nearly kills her in Australia, hundreds of dead baby penguins are washing ashore in the southern hemisphere, :( and numerous shark sightings are reported off the coasts of New York City (a great segue to the Discovery Channel's much loved Shark Week, which kicks off July 27).
Olympic Update: Beijing instates drastic new traffic rules to remove a million cars from the roadways come August, and apparently, rules to remove black people, Mongolians and other "social undesirables" from bars during the games. Ouch.