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Feast Your Eyes on This Incredible Documentary About Bees Great Documentary, Colony, Explores the Crisis of Bees Through People

Colony explores the plight of bees through one family and a cast of beekeepers. Watch the trailer.

Carter Gunn and Ross McDonnell's feature documentary Colony explores the crisis of bees through people, whose struggles come to serve as a metaphor for those of bees. The story centers on the Seppis, a religious family in California struggling to keep its hives in a collapsing economy, and also explores the various attempts by veteran beekeepers to solve the scientific mystery of colony collapse disorder. It's a gripping family drama in more than one way.


The documentary will be out on DVD March 29 and, in the meantime, you should check out this trailer.

Photo: Carter Gunn (left) and Ross McDonnell (right) by Caroll Taveras ©2009