This November there's no reason to shave. The month marks the seventh anniversary of the Movember movement, when men around the world forgo the razor for thirty autumn days to raise awareness and funds for the fight against prostate cancer.
Just like marathon runners, Mo Bros (as they're called) ask their friends and family to sponsor their fuzzy journey with donations. Participation is open to women too. Mo Sistas can help by donating funds, supporting Mo Bros in their quest, spreading awareness, and attending Movember's events. Last year, 255,755 Mo Bros and Sistas helped raise $42 million to benefit the organization's charity partners.
Participants are encouraged to create a video about their month-long experiment: Time lapse videos encouraged. Movember will set the videos in viral motion on the web, and the best ones will be honored at "The Moscars," Movember's online award show and submissions platform.
May the best 'stache win! And if beards are more your thing, check out this full faced fundraiser.