By popular demand, we at GOOD are working to put out a limited edition poster version of the United States of GOOD Beer Map we created based on your nominations earlier this month. We need your help to fund production and delivery of the posters, so we're launching a Kickstarter campaign and are looking for backers!
Here's how it works: We have 30 days to collect $2,500 worth of enthusiastic pledges on our Kickstarter campaign page. If by the end of 30 days we receive $2,500 or more in support, we get the money and GOOD Beer Map poster production and distribution begins! If not, no harm, no foul—but also no posters. Backers can pledge as little as $2 (we'll call you Schooner supporters) or as much as you'd like ($50 or more means you're a KEG-size supporter in our eyes) and will receive rewards accordingly, including your very own copy of our limited edition United States of GOOD Beer Map poster, a GOOD T-shirt, and/or a year-long GOOD magazine subscription.
We want to see this map hanging in homes, offices, and bars across America, inspiring lots more impassioned debate, local pride, and independent brewing. If you do too (and if you fancy a copy yourself), hop on over to our Kickstarter page and help us make this poster real.