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Service Dog Jumps in Front of Oncoming Bus to Save Blind Owner

That is one brave pup.

Audrey Stone, a blind woman, was on a walk in Brewster, New York with her service dog, Figo, when a mini-bus driver whipped around a corner and headed straight for them. Figo, a golden retriever, lept into action and threw himself in front of the bus to save Stone’s life. The bus hit the two, breaking three of Stone’s ribs while fracturing both her ankle and elbow. Figo received a deep gash in his leg. According to Brewster Police Chief John Del Gardo, “The dog took a lot of the blow. And he did not want to leave her side. He stood right with her. He was there to save her."

Paul Schwartz, the owner of the local Xtra Mart, saw Figo’s act of heroism and had high praise for the dog. “The dog was being a good sport, really calm. He sat with me the whole time. He was limping as we put him on a big blanket on the sidewalk and it started to rain. He let us wrap up his leg without any problem. He wasn’t barking or crying or yelping.”

Stone was taken from the scene to Danbury Hospital on a gurney and poor Figo wasn’t allowed along for the ride. But a team of firemen took Figo on their truck for a heroic ride to Middlebrand Veterinary where he was admitted for leg surgery. Staff at the veterinary hospital say that Figo’s left leg is in a splint and he’s on the mend. There’s no word yet on how Stone is healing from her fractures.

The bus driver has been delivered a summons for failing to yield to a pedestrian.

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