On Monday, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said he would “strongly consider” shutting down mosques if elected president. Even though his comment is in direct opposition to the United States Constitution, it’s been a hot topic on FOX News this week. To defend her religious rights, Saba Ahmed, President and Founder of the Republican Muslim Coalition appeared on “The Kelly File” to discuss Trump’s controversial comments with campaign spokesperson, Katrina Pearson. To show her American patriotism at a time when anti-Muslim rhetoric is on the rise, Ahmed appeared wearing a hijab made from an American flag.
When asked how she felt about mosques being a “hotbed of political activity” by Megyn Kelly, Ahmed responded:
“We go to the mosque to pray. It’s absolutely horrifying to hear that our constitutional rights of free exercise of religion are now going to be challenged just because somebody thinks that maybe some attendees who may disagree with your views. But the thing is like you wouldn’t shut down churches because there was one of two Christians are acting badly. The mosque has nothing to do with the terrorists. Yes, there are people who issues their religion for their perverted ideology, but that has nothing to do with my faith.”
Although the United States Constitution says that Congress shall make no law that impedes the free exercise of religion, Trump doesn’t seem to mind. “Well, I would hate to do it but it's something you’re going to have to strongly consider,” Trump said during an MSNBC interview. “Some of the absolute hatred is coming from these areas...The hatred is incredible. It’s embedded. The hatred is beyond belief. The hatred is greater than anybody understands.”
(H/T FOX News)