Red Dead Redemption 2 will feature multiple black cowboys, giving them a spotlight they've never really had before.
— IGN (@IGN) September 28, 2018
Ah so I see they're going for a fantasy angle on this game. Why not throw in some dragons and magic too?
— (@JaredAtNight) September 28, 2018
Despite what movies may tell you, cowboys didn't really come to the fore until settlers started moving into Texas to take land from the Spanish and (later) Mexicans. In order to keep track of huge herds with no fences thousands of slaves were brought in (cont.)
— Spooky Scaryface Ghost(@KrimboSausage) September 29, 2018
When the civil war started those slaves were left to look after the herds alone and became, effectively, cowboys. After the war the whites returning didn't have enough men to work their herds, so they rehired the former slaves as...cowboys. About 1 in 4 cowboys were freed slaves.
— September 29, 2018
Sorry, I thought people might have been interested in the historical relevance of black cowboys. Didn't realise this was just entitled little boys whining about representation ruining 'their' computer games.
— September 29, 2018
According to Smithsonian, in 1825, slaves accounted for nearly 25% of the Texas settler population. After the state joined the Confederacy in 1861, white rangers went east to fight in the Civil War. While white Texans fought in the war, the ranchers depended on slaves to maintain their land and cattle herds.
This picture of Nat Love, a famous black Cowboy is giving me powerful energy
— MokoJoJo (@M0k0jin) September 27, 2018