Two years ago I went through a cooking metamorphosis. Growing up the child of a kitchen whiz mom, I had little need to learn how to whip something up, let alone get to know the pleasures of cooking. While my family enjoyed dinners together, I was hardly considering how these moments would shape my life. After four years at Michigan (Go Blue!) and then bachelor life in New York City, I moved even farther away from embracing meal-sharing experiences. I became deeply attached to my microwave and wouldn’t have dreamed of inviting people over for dinner, unless you count making ramen noodles for two after a night out, “inviting someone over for dinner.”
With my company, What’s for Supp, I’m committed to using digital solutions to help people forge meaningful offline relationships. We’re doing this by making it ridiculously easy (and affordable) to create incredibly delicious dinners for friends and family. Simply pick a recipe from a top chef or food bloggers and we’ll deliver all the ingredients—and know-how—within an hour and a half, from great local markets. Go ahead, invite that friend you’ve been trying to make plans with over for a dinner that you’ll be so proud to say you created.
Hang out with your neighbors on the last Saturday of April (a day we're calling "Neighborday"). Click here to say you'll Do It, and here to download GOOD's Neighborday Toolkit and a bunch of other fun stuff.
original image (cc) flickr user sporkist