Imagine a world where human beings are re-labeled as “inventory” and corporations make huge profits from crime, Draconian sentences, and sub-standard living conditions.
Feels like a creepy science fiction film, right? Sadly, these practices are happening throughout the United States’ criminal justice system.
As more states turn their prisons over to private companies to save money, the priorities of our correctional institutions have become horribly misaligned. Private companies now lobby lawmakers to increase the prison population and elongate sentences to grow their “inventory.” The more prisoners these companies house, the more profit they make.
How Corporations Are Getting Rich Off of Prisoners
How Corporations Are Getting Rich Off of PrisonersTo learn more about private prisons, click here: ATTN: on Facebook for more videos like these.
Posted by ATTN: on Friday, March 20, 2015
[quote position="full" is_quote="true"]The influence of private prisons creates a system that trades money for human freedom, often at the expense of the nation’s most vulnerable populations: children, immigrants and the poor.[/quote]
- Michael Cohen, The Washington Post.
Some disturbing facts about the for-profit prison system in the U.S.:
– The two largest for-profit prison companies in the U.S., GEO and Corrections Corporation of America, have donated over $10 million to political candidates and spent over $25 million in lobbying efforts since 1989.
– GEO and Corrections Corporation of America now rake in a combined $3.3 billion in annual revenue while the federal private prison population has doubled between 2000 and 2010.
– There are now about 130 private prisons in the country with about 157,000 beds.
– Almost two-thirds of private prison contracts have an occupancy rate mandate of around 90 percent. If states fail to comply, they are billed per empty bed.
(h / t The Washington Post)