Our friends at Shareable have a dispatch from Australia—where it's summertime picnic season—on a new web tool for making friends al fresco over a shared meal. It's called Eat With Me and it's based in Melbourne. Basically folks post their picnic plans and other folks sign up to share the blanket. We think it's an idea worth stealing. Writes Bethany Jones:
Eavesdropping around the picnic rug, I hear interesting conversations about South Africa, Yoga and the recent change in the Parliament. I learn that you can easily ride from Berlin to Poland (without much preparation).
Bethany's picnic also featured a cricket bat, carrot muffins, and pork rilletes—all items one may be hard pressed to find in a stateside picnic basket. Still, Bethany made a group of new friends and shared some great food.
via Shareable