The Yes Men take the runways by storm with climate-change-ready looks.
Fashion. In past years, we assiduously (but accidentally) boycotted this difficult concept. This year, however, the Yes Men and our new friends the Yes Cadets (and a number of other friendly fashionistas) decided to participate in what we now understand to be one of the most important cultural events that New York City has to offer: Fashion Week.
We were invited to participate in a number of shows, of course, but the last thing we wanted was to be cooped up in the tents at Bryant Park with all those frantic paparazzi. So instead we decided to launch our own line, and display it live in the streets of New York.
Our product was a new all-terrain full-body survival suit, developed in partnership with some of America's most trusted companies. We took it to the streets of New York, and now we are excited to share with you, dear reader, this exciting new product.
Survivaball. Couture for Climate Calamity. Because Survival is Sexy:
Whether you're on an adventure trek in the Arctic, or tanning on the deck of your seaside loft in Tribeca, Survivaball will protect you from any and all extreme weather conditions or other ravages of worsening climate change. It's an elegant solution to a complex problem, and out on the glittering streets of Gotham, we were pleased at the generally positive reactions. Find out more here.
We began our tour during the Fashion Night Out parties that dotted the city last Thursday, Vogue's valiant effort to reinvigorate the flagging fashion economy. At Bergdorf Goodman on Fifth Avenue, we rubbed shoulders with the Olsen twins and Victoria Beckham, as we debuted the line with three of our favorite models, and a number of marketing spokespersons. Despite our cordial relationship with the twins, Bergdorf staff were quite unprofessional, and threw us out after 10 minutes.
This was good timing, though, as we had a date shortly thereafter at the Chanel store, where we went to meet up with the Charlize Theron to celebrate the September issue of Vogue. There we demonstrated the Survivaball's defensive capabilities at holding a star-struck throng at bay, as Charlize was whisked through the front door, although not before reaching out to take a piece of our marketing literature. (Charlize, our operators are on standby, and our seamstresses are ready to get to work on your custom-made Survivaball).
We've been on the march since, sipping champagne at (and then getting kicked out of) boutiques along Madison Avenue, at Barney's, hanging out at the Ethical Fashion Week Preview, or at Bryant Park (of course). If you missed us though, don't sweat it. You know where to find us:
This season, it's all about survival!