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Hundreds of Solar-Powered Street Carts to Hit NYC This Summer

Eco-friendly start-up MOVE Systems plans to roll out 500 energy-efficient food carts just in time for ice cream season.

NYC is about to get a little greener this summer, and we’re not just talking about the lawns of Central Park. MOVE Systems is an eco-friendly start-up that’s been quietly working with the NYC City Council on an ambitious plan to release 500 energy-efficient food carts to city street vendors, of which there are currently almost 8,000 citywide. The company’s MRV100 Hybrid cart, which is to be released in the coming months, comes outfitted with solar power panels, hybrid technology with rechargeable batteries and plug-in capabilities, accommodates several types of cooking, and has alternative fuel outlets. Currently, most NYC vendors use standard propane tanks which are highly combustible and could pose a health and environmental danger when summer temperatures soar.

Ultimately, MOVE Systems would like to replace all propane tank carts. As Inhabitat recently noted, “According to a recent report by Energy Vision, each MRV100 cart reduces climate change-causing gases by 60% and smog-causing NOx pollution by 95%. Therefore, using the new MOVE System carts will result in the ‘pollution equivalent’ of taking nearly 200 cars off the road.” Perhaps it might be time for MOVE Systems to set their sights on LA?