Soon-to-be President Obama received a lot of praise (and no small amount of snark) for his impressive oratory skills during the campaign. His press conferences since have been lacking a little oomph, but this must be because he is saving up for the big day on Tuesday, where he will unveil the most splendid speech given on these shores in many a year. Or, at least, that's the hope. The New York Times has an interesting, but rather silly video about how times of crisis create the best speeches (Lincoln and FDR are cited, and those men knew about crises). That times of crisis create better speeches is not really much of a surprise. Does anyone remember Bush's first inaugural?The New Yorker also weighed in with their thoughts on the speech (you can't read the piece online, but an amusingly terse precis is available). What are you guys looking for in the speech? Rousing inspiration or specific policy prescriptions? Do you think we'll be placing this next to "Ask not what your country can do for you..." and "The only thing we have to fear..."?Image credit: New York Daily News
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