Inspivids: Videos to Inspire Thought and Action Inspivids is a great collection of classic, famous, and under-the-radar videos designed to inspire thought and action. And it's a home run.
October 13, 2010
Posted October 13, 2010
Start your Monday off on the right foot by visiting
Inspivids , where you'll find a collection of videos "that inspire thought and action," from "
Fifty People, One Question ," in which 50 people in Brooklyn, New York,
were asked where they would like to wake up in the morning , to the Discovery Channel's "
The World Is Just Awesome ," which speaks for itself.
I've included Carl Sagan's timeless "The Pale Blue Dot " below, which is not only one of the most inspirational short videos you'll ever see, but one that's worth watching over and over again.
Thanks, Dylan !