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Interactive Infographic: Is America Falling Behind in Innovation?

Is America falling behind in innovation?

This infographic is a collaboration between GOOD and Other Means, with support from MTV

As the election season kicks off, GOOD and MTV want to cut past all the blustering, pontificating, and finger pointing to get to the heart of some of the most important issues that America is facing today. Join us every other Wednesday for the next two months, when we'll be graphically exploring through interactive infographics what goes behind the nation's key issues.

In the past few weeks we've covered the major issues that have been on the minds of Americans, including energy independence, job creation, student debt, immigration, healthcare, national security, and taxes.

This week's issue is our final installment in this series. We want to look ahead to see what's store for our nation and whether our candidates will be investing in research and technology. As it turns out, innovation has long been a driving force of America's competitive lead in technology, science, and development. Innovation brings about world-changing ideas, which in turn brings jobs. But is America falling behind in innovation? How do we compare to other nations in the strength of our scientists, engineers, and research investment? Are our children armed with the strong math and science skills to lead a new generation of discovery? Find the answers and more here.