Liz Laribee, the arts advocacy professional and feminist theory aficionado behind Tumblr sensation saved by the bell hooks is at it again. This time, the witty web activist is serving up her meme-tastic feminism using the pleasant bespectacled mug of NPR celebrity Ira Glass. Ira Glass Ceiling is the latest in a series of one off guest blog posts from "other sections of [Laribee's] brain.”
Using quotes from reports by the SEC, The World Bank, and The Federal Glass Ceiling Commission as the text superimposed on Glass’ mug, Laribee once again effectively combines heavy feminist theory and supporting data with weird and whimsical imagery. Other bonus blog posts at saved by the bell hooks include RuPaul Rand Paul, When Harry Met Sally Mae, Yo Adrienne Rich, Uncle Jesse Williams, and Cornell West Wing.