Technological innovations are placing information right at our fingertips for free when it used to only be available if you went to college; it's clear that we're on the cusp of a higher education revolution. But how do we figure out what new approaches are best for 21st century learners? At "Disruptive Innovation in Higher Education," a TEDxAshokaU event happening this weekend in Tempe, Ariz., more than 500 educators and innovators are coming together to share their big ideas.
The event kicks off this evening with TED talks from several innovators like Dale Stephens, the 20-year-old founder of UnCollege, a social movement that's empowering students to create their own education, and Abigail Falik, the founder and CEO of Global Citizen Year, an organization working to build a leadership pipeline of individuals with global skills. Each speaker will share their experience and perspective on how we can create a new system that works. I'm also one of the speakers and I'll be sharing some of the game-changing innovations that I've written about that are shaking up education.
Want to be a part of the conversation? Starting tonight at 5 p.m. MT/7 p.m. ET, the event will stream live online, enabling anyone in the world to take advantage of the resources and learning opportunities that are sure to be shared.
Photo via (cc) Flickr user stevendepolo