Hi, friends. We made a few updates to our site last night that some of you might notice. Here's a partial list.Comments now appear in the more intuitive first-comment-at-the-top (a.k.a. reverse chronological) order. We've also added a module on the homepage in the right rail to show recent comments and fixed some of the HTML problems in the comment field.We've added a homepage module from our friends at the exceptionally well-curated Very Short List. There will be interesting stuff from them there on the regular.The Most Commented and Most Goodmarked lists on the homepage now reflect the weekly leaders (rather than the all-time leaders).Finally, we've added friendly URLs. Our URLs will now have words that make sense rather than an I.D. number.There'll be fine tuning to do-it's already begun-but feel free to drop us a note below if you have any feedback.Onwards!
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