Just when you thought no Halloween costume could go lower than Steve Irwin getting pierced through the heart by a stingray, some genius went there in the tackiest way possible. Costumeish, the store that released similarly horrific getups like the “Sexy Ebola Costume” and “Bruce Gender Olympian Costume,” recently came out with a costume that mocks and trivializes Kim Kardashian’s harrowing robbery experience in Paris.
Dubbed the “Parisian Heist Robbery Victim Costume,” it comes less than two weeks after Kardashian was robbed at gunpoint by “two armed, masked men.” According to Huffington Post, Costumeish quickly removed the costume from its site following widespread outrage. But because anything exposed on the internet lives forever, they managed to snag a screen grab of the outfit and the product’s description while it was still live. It read:
This Halloween it’s all about the #Hallomeme and who better than America’s goddess of all things glamorous “Parisian Heist Robbery Victim Costume?” She has devoted her life to promoting American decadence, youth, and hedonism but all that flashy living caught up with her one night in Paris when armed men bound her, stole her jewelry and her peace of mind. This Halloween have some fun with pop culture and dress just like the Queen of Social media with our sensational “Parisian Heist Robbery Victim Costume” Costume.
Yes, this company actually went as far as to suggest that Kim Kardashian deserved to have her life threatened and effectively put violence against women in the same category as a juvenile prank. Just to be perfectly clear, fame does not strip a person of their humanity. No matter how anyone feels about the Kardashian clan’s public persona, no human being deserves to have a life-threatening experience turned into comedic fodder. If you’re looking to exercise better judgment than Costumeish this Halloween, head over to Bitch Media where they have tons of costume ideas that aren’t sexist, racist, or just plain tacky—including my personal favorite, “woman laughing alone with a salad.”