Lily Cole is a model, actress, and featured on the cover of our latest issue. This 2014 GOOD 100 member is also working on some very cool projects. Cole and Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales just launched impossible, a website that promotes "gift economies."
Impossible lets users take over the platform to post "wishes" of what they need and "offers" of what they can provide. These responses become creative solutions for helping each other escape the tyranny consumer culture.
“I’m a big believer that there’s a potential to start encouraging trends in the market that could lead to more social standards or environmental responsibility and less waste in production chains. We can help to change that by changing the dialogue about the things we want to buy and what we expect out of the stories behind the products we buy.”
Impossible just built an ATM, which dispenses "wishes" instead of money.
Being able to put someone else's printed wish into your pocket makes the conversations around the gift economy feel a lot a more tangible