The English grocery chain Sainsbury's is expanding their fleet of electric trucks for home grocery delivery in London. Gas2.0 explains:
Sainsbury's has been testing a fleet of 20 Smith Electric Vehicles for delivering groceries for several years and has found that they easily get the job done. Now it's just ordered 50 more of the three and a half ton Edison vans-making the grocery chain (at least for now) the world leader in EV grocery deliveries.And over at the Sainbury media page there's this astounding claim:
The vans will be deployed in the London area, meaning 60 per cent of central Londoners will have their groceries delivered in one of these environmentally responsible vehicles.The groceries themselves may or may not be local and all that, but this is just a much more efficient way of getting them into people's homes and carries all the familiar benefits (better air, less energy and carbon used, fewer vehicles on the roads). The mayor of London, Boris Johnson, described it as "cracking news."